Day 26: “There is a very fat pair of pants hanging on the flagpole this morning”. Oh it is a good one, Meatballs, starring Sir Bill Murray. Speaking of fat pants, there just aren’t as many of them in ...
Whole 30 Diary
Whole 30: Day 25
Day 25: “The Donger Need Food!!” and it ain’t pretty. The only thing keeping me going is the vision of myself as his sexy American girlfriend. What I would do for some wheat thins and some hummus (I ...
Whole 30: Day 24
Day 24: “Why is there tape on your nose?”... “EXACTLY!”. Bottle Rocket, Wes Anderson’s directorial debut with Owen and Luke Wilson, is such a treat. So if you have seen a crappy Owen or Luke Wilson ...
Whole 30: Day 23
Day 23: “You shut your mouth when you’re talking to me!”. Lock it up people. This is a warning- don’t bring me any stupid today, as Momma is still cranky. Although my awesome may have been switched ...