Since there was basically no snow I have not fallen off the Whole 30 perch. Yes, I am quite proud of myself. A couple of factors were key to this: 1. Since the roads did not ice, I was lacking excuses ...
There was a Time
Ok seriously people of North Carolina if I hear that baritone voice say “There was a time…” one more time, I am going to scream…and what I will scream is “shut up!!” I don’t care about what used to ...
I am Hangry
Made it through day one. Seriously not having the Diet Coke withdrawal and already being accustomed to coffee with crap in it- it really wasn’t that bad- and man is the sleep good. Work is also really ...
It was the Best of Times
It was the worst of times. Yes, these past 8 weeks of indulgence have been lovely, but also gross. So I ended my last Whole 30 on September 14th and really kept things on the rails until November ...