I am on the west coast this week, which means my sleep is all over the place so I am up at 3 am and guess what’s on today, November 8th ?? BLECHHHHHH. Just over it. I am a big proponent of quit ...
Treat Yourself
I am so glad Halloween is over. I just don’t get it, don’t like it. I think the reason is because it is not a holiday that plays to my strengths and I hate candy. I want to be clear my issue with ...
Let’s Talk- Coffee Talk
I have had this weird nagging feeling lately that I have shit that needs to be resolved and I couldn’t quite put my finger on why. All is well…well except for the fact that the Dictator is the ...
Getting Old/Being Old
Getting old/Being Old. It is all relative. I am 46 and I remember being 18 thinking being 30 was old. And really the older you get, the younger you realized you were- in body and mind- when you had ...